Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Joy of Love - 02 How They Look

I have to admit I am running behind, but I am determined to catch up! :) Day 2's assignment was "to capture the true essence/expression/attitude/posture that screams your loved one." After playing with my little brother, I decided to get the camera out. He is so expressive. There are two pictures this time. He cracks me up!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Joy of Love - 01 What They Do

Day 1's project is to portray what a loved one does. I chose my sister who is a talented artist.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Simply ________" - - "Simply Girly!"

"Simply ______" is a new project I will be working on. I will at least one picture a week. Being the busy college student that I am with 23 hours of school, I can't commit to a 365/Picture a day project. Just check this blog and my facebook page to see these new pictures.

Today the picture is titled "Simply Girly!" I don't think I need to explain why it is titled that.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the joy of LOVE

I am so excited to have just signed up for a free month long class called "the joy of LOVE." I have been so consumed with college that I am neglecting my passion of photography! This will force me back in to creative-Sam mode. A special thanks to Salome Photography for posting this for me to find. :)